Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Coconut Rice Pudding

In general I'm not a big fan of leftovers.   The exception for me is rice.  I intentionally make more than I need because I know that I will either make fried rice or my fav...Rice pudding!

     This recipe came to be being one night for two reasons.  One, I had a dish of leftover Jasmine rice in the fridge and two I was craving the pudding more than fried rice.  Problem was I had the rice but no milk, cream or even half & half.  It was late and I am too lazy to just drive out for milk.   I didn't even have a can of evaporated milk on the pantry shelf.  But as I was putting the dish of rice back in the fridge I saw an opened can of coconut milk I had left from another recipe.   I thought to myself "why not?" And took both the rice and coconut milk out and made dessert.

     The rice I had on hand this time was Jasmine but I make my rice puddings with Arborio and brown as well.  So it doesn't matter which you use just make sure to use rice that is already cooked.

2 cups cooked rice
1/3 cup of sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp ground cinnamon
pinch of salt
1 cup coconut milk

Put the rice in a pot and heat to warm the rice.  Add the sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and salt.  Stir over medium-low heat for a minute and add the coconut milk.   Bring to a boil and remove from heat.  Stir and let sit for 5 minutes before serving.  Makes 4 servings.

Note:  This recipe was even better the next day cold from the fridge.   The coconut milk makes a thick cream.  Next time I make it I will use a whole can of coconut milk for a more creamy pudding.  As the picture shows it's more rice than pudding but it was all I had...leftovers:)

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